Quran Initiative

A catastrophe threatens the second generation of Muslims in the West

75% of the second and third generations of Muslims in the West stop going to Friday prayers. More than 30% become athiest! – Source

We – Wokoof Team – are working with the Muslim Communities around the world to spread the knowledge and protect our children and grand children from losing their identity and their faith!

Learn the Holy Quran & Save the Next Generations!

Wokoof is a non-profit. Throughout this program, we connect Muslim scholars and qualified teachers with potential students  to ensure the best quality and lowest prices to support the Muslim communities globally nshAlla!

We help preserve our children’s faith around the world, and support our families in the East.

May Allah accept our good deeds and save us and our families. Ameen!

Note: All sessions are single-gender, except in the case of young kids group classes.

Try a free Quran session with us!





school hours

To be announced soon nshAlla 🙂



Canada - United States - United Arab Emirates - Egypt - Lebanon - Turkey - Saudi Arabia - Malaysia


+1 (438) 519 - 2225